Year Six
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Explores the call to be the ‘People of God’ and the need to be part of God’s creation by overcoming disharmony, by upholding God’s law.
Explores the ten commandments.
Explores the importance of ‘shalom’ and the Sabbath in the Jewish faith.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Explores the concept of heaven and the Church’s belief in Mary and the feasts celebrated in her honour.
Looks at what heaven is like.
Looks at lives of the Holy Souls and the saints.
Looks at prophets in the Islamic religion.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Examines the two parts of the season of Advent through parables, prayers and hymns of the Church.
Looks in detail at the Birth of Jesus, expressed as ‘The Word’ in St John’s Gospel.
Explores the meaning of ‘Incarnation’
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Looks at the personal relationship St Paul enjoyed with God.
Looks at Matthew 28, to consider what is meant by ‘Apostolic Tradition’.
Considers the work of the ten Gurus in the Sikh religion and what their key teachings are.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Looks at the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, as revelation of the Holy Spirit.
Looks at our role in the Church.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
The means by which we prepare for Easter are explored in depth, through the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus and the account of the Samaritan woman at the well.
Explores the history of the Jewish faith.
Considers what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane and the denial of Peter.
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Examines the Easter story through the eyes of Thomas and the sources of doubt.
Examines the belief in eternal life through the life of the Church today (funerals).
Explores the Hindu belief in reincarnation
Core pLAN Supplementary Guidance
Considers the importance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as expressed through Confirmation and their effect on the life of the Church.
Explores the account of the coming of the Holy Spirit in John’s Gospel.
Explores how we can all make a difference, however small, to improve our common home.
Explores links between Catholic Social Teaching and the Gospels.
Explores the Church’s social teaching, particularly the Christian duty to lead by example and reach out to those in need.