Catholic Education in the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth
The Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth is located in southern England working with 13 local education authorities, including Hampshire, Southampton, Oxford and Portsmouth, as well as the States of Guernsey and Jersey. Altogether there are 71 Catholic schools across the diocese, two of which are joint Catholic/Anglican schools, and one a joint Catholic/Ecumenical school. Data from the most recent CES census (2018) shows there are over 31,000 pupils in our schools being taught by 2,394 teachers and 1,683 support staff. 57% of the pupils are Catholic with the rest coming from other Christian traditions (27%), other faiths (7%) or none (9%). We are blessed with pupils and staff from a range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We welcome and value them all.
All schools whether maintained or independent are divided into geographical partnership areas.; many of which are named after a patron saint. The partnerships work together to share good practise, support one another and foster a sense of belonging. Many of the partnership areas share their name with the Catholic Academy Trust that schools in that area will join if they wish or are directed to become an academy.
In the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth the work of the schools come under the Vicariate for Education and Chaplaincy which is led by Canon PJ Smith, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Chaplaincy. The Catholic Academies and Schools Office (CASO), led by the Director for Education, ensures on behalf of the Bishop (cf. CIC 803.1) that all the Catholic schools of our Diocese (independent, maintained voluntary aided and maintained academies) operate as ‘Catholic schools’ in accordance with both canon and civil law.
Below is a list of those who form part of CASO or who support their work with schools.
- Canon PJ Smith – Episcopal Vicar for Education and Diocesan Schools Commissioner
- Catherine Hobbs – Director for Education
- Robert Dare – School Support Officer, s48 Co-ordinator and Primary RE Adviser
- Shelley Clerkin – Administration Officer
- Sue Field – Administration Assistant
Find out more about the CASO team and their work
On this page (below and opposite) you will find links to help you find out more about Catholic education in the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth, including:
- Bishop Philip’s vision for Catholic education, ‘That they may have life’;
- How our schools are already working hard to live this out;
- Details of how our schools are organised into supportive partnership groups;
- How the team at the Catholic Academies Schools Office (CASO) advise, support and challenge our schools, and
- How they in their turn are supported and challenged through the Steering and Stewardship Groups.
“That They May Have Life”
Our Diocesan Catholic Schools and the New Evangelisation
Rt. Rev. Philip A. Egan BA, STL, PhD
I present herewith, with the full support of the Diocesan Trustees, the following document ‘That They may have Life’ which contains some new and revised policies, thoughts and aspirations relating to Catholic education and the schools of our Diocese of Portsmouth.
With gratitude, prayers and best wishes,
In Corde Iesu
+ Philip
Bishop of Portsmouth
29thJune 2017, the Solemnity of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul
Schools in the Diocese of Portsmouth
Our schools are organised in mutually supportive groups. Maintained schools, and academies are clustered geographically into 5 partnership groups, each with their own patron saint. The schools located on the Channel Islands form another distinct group. Our independent schools also work closely together under the patronage of St John Paul II.
Click on the map to the left to see where they are all located or click the appropriate link below to find out more about the schools in each of the partnership groups.

Blessed Pier Giorgio Frascati
The Frassati Partnership operates under the patronage of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and consists of 17 maintained schools or academies and 5 independent schools. The Frassati Partnership is situated in the north of the diocese and includes schools from within seven local authority areas.

Saint Teresa of Calcutta
The Mother Teresa Partnership operates under the patronage of Saint Teresa of Calcutta and consists of 9 maintained schools or academies 8 within Hampshire and one on the Hampshire/Surrey border. Four of our Catholic independent schools are also part of the Mother Teresa Partnership. The schools in the partnership are located in the areas of Aldershot, Andover, Basingstoke, Farnborough, Farnham and Winchester.

Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman
The Newman Partnership operates under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman. The 12 maintained schools in the partnership are located in the south west corner of the diocese, covering Bournemouth, Chandler’s Ford, Christchurch, Fareham, Lymington and Southampton.

Saint Edith Stein (St Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
The Edith Stein Partnership operates under the patronage of Saint Edith Stein and consists of 10 maintained schools and academies in the south east corner of the diocese. This covers, Fareham, Gosport, Havant, Portsmouth and Waterlooville.

Isle of Wight Partnership
We have six schools on the island, two of which are joint Catholic and Anglican schools. A decision has not yet been made on the patron saint for the island group.

Channel Islands Partnership
Across the Channel Islands we have 6 schools, the majority are independent schools but two are maintained by the States of Guernsey.
A decision has not yet been made on the patron saint for the Channel Islands group of schools.

Saint John Paul II
Across the diocese we have 13 independent schools, including preparatory schools, secondary schools, and all-through schools, many with a long history linked to a variety of founders. They are gathered under the patronage of Saint John Paul II.