Catholic Academies and Schools Office

Meet the CASO Team

Canon PJ Smith
Episcopal Vicar for Education and Diocesan Schools Commissioner
Catherine Hobbs
Director for Education
Robert Dare
Schools Support Officer
Administration Officer
Admin Assistant

About Us

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full” (John 10.10)

The church exists in order to evangelise.  In order to carry out this mission, Bishop Philip has re-established the pastoral administration of the Diocese of Portsmouth as ‘The Framework for Collaboration’ (the ‘Framework’).  The Framework mirrors the threefold ministry of the Bishop who acts in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ as the Priest, Prophet and King.

Practically this has led to three Vicariates within the Framework: Vocation, Education and Evangelisation.  These Vicariates represent three dynamically interrelated strands of Christian discipleship: call, formation and mission.  The call of Christ invites the disciple to formation in Christian doctrine, life and spirituality, and in turn sends him or her out on mission.

The Catholic Academies and Schools Office and the family of Catholic schools within the diocese fit into the diocesan Framework for Collaboration as an integral part of the Church’s mission.  “The Church is absolutely convinced that the educational aims of the Catholic school in the world of today perform an essential and unique service for the Church herself” (The Catholic School, Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education).  CASO and each school are called to work in collaboration with the Bishop, within the context of the Bishop’s four diocesan priorities, working towards:

  • Seeking out and drawing in the unbelieving and un-churched.
  • Developing lifelong discipleship, spiritual growth and a living relationship with Jesus Christ, above all in the Holy Eucharist.
  • Discerning the gifts (charisms) and the vocations God has given to the Christian community.
  • Forming and supporting existing and new extraordinary apostolates.

The Catholic Academies and Schools Office (CASO), led by the Director for Education, ensures on behalf of the Bishop (cf. CIC 803.1) that all the Catholic schools of our Diocese (independent, maintained voluntary aided and maintained academies) operate as ‘Catholic schools’ in accordance with both canon and civil law.

Schools and parishes are the two principle agencies of the mission of the Church in our diocese and CASO seeks to develop our schools as key diocesan tools of evangelisation in union with the local parishes, pastoral areas and deaneries. It promotes and develops all aspects of the Catholic nature of our schools, providing direction and advice on educational matters.

It represents the Bishop at senior leadership appointments and administers the appointment of foundation governors and directors. It advises and supports governing bodies on their canonical, statutory and legal responsibilities as maintained voluntary aided schools, maintained academies and independent schools.

CASO promotes excellence in Catholic education in all diocesan schools, especially in religious education, collective worship and religious education resources, all of which are at the heart of the curriculum and purpose of a Catholic school.

CASO is also responsible for the canonical and statutory inspections that take place, advising the Bishop on the quality of our schools.